Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Gurl Can Dream, Can't She??

Okay --here's my big find of the month. Angie Rineheart's flickr site

Gawd, what a great site.  Can't believe I've been poking around flickr for all these years and hadn't already seen her!!!!   Sort of like finding a $1000 bill in the bottom of your dresser drawer.

First, she's got excellent taste in fashion and all things femme.  Although pretty herself, she's an absolute genius at photoshopping her face onto GG bodies (and a few TGs too....).  Now, normally I don't really care all that much for the photo shop route, because it tends to look sloppy, or the TG face is so incongruent with the GG body, or the whole image just looks so incredibly fake.  But Angie has a real gift to match her femme imagination.

Now, how many times have you looked at another woman and thought to yourself 'Girl, I want your body.'   And what you really mean is that you want to BE in HER body, to be able to walk about naturally & do all the things girls and women get to do.  And you don't just want to limit that sweet fantasy to just one female body, but you'd like to be able to pop in and inhabit any of them you want.  Like in the movie Avatar...

Well, Angie has done the next best thing with her site.  Remember the old song 'I am every woman in the world to you...'  Angie just might be.

Here's a few pics from her site.  Enjoy!!


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